Erasmus Mundus - Universidade do Porto


TOSCA2 is a proposal for continuation of TOSCA project, that has been successfully implemented since 2010 and at the moment is reaching  the end of majority of its mobilities. From such a perspective only this year the consortium feels strong for second attempt.  TOSCA2 will enable and organise  mobility of 110 CA nationals to EU universities.

The idea of the proposal, embodied in its title,  is transfer of know-how  and  significant  development of  human resources at each CA HEI through multiplication and spreading of gained abroad benefits (knowledge, skills, experience, ideas, scientific resources etc) - CA students and staff after return will  play a role of  transmitters and multipliers of gained benefits. The project includes an obligatory “transfer of knowledge, skills and ideas phase”( obligatory “POST-MUNDUS Transfer of Knowledge phase”, ) that will be  organised by returnees together with their home universities, after completion of  mobility period. We will continue  this  unique practice, which introduced in TOSCA1 these days brings first outcomes described in reports to be elaborated and published for communicating EM impact of telling and palpable character.
