Erasmus Mundus - Universidade do Porto


EMINENCE II is a partnership of 20 universities from 5 EU and 6 Eastern Partnership (EaP)countries. EaP universities have joined EM programme for the first time only in 2012- within EMINENCE I project, whereas the EU part of consortium combines both EMA2- experienced and less- or no-experienced partners. The project offers 155 scholarships for staff and students of all levels, including 15 individuals within TG3, and 110 and 30 from TG1/2 respectively. Short term 110 TG1 mobilities and 45 TG2/3 full degrees will be awarded. Following the goals and practice of EMINENCE I project we will continue good practices and unique actions like:- participation of 5 EaP ministries of higher education, that committed by letters of intents to facilitate among other recognition of studies abroad,- participation of carefully selected associates to ensure participation of TG3 beneficiaries,- joint and well-designed course for EaP administrative staff (group training instead of scattered individual mobilities, what brings additional synergies), - obligatory post-mobility phase for transfer and sharing of knowledge (PhD, post-doc and staff after return will multiplicate/disseminate their knowledge, skills and experience at their home institutions, making their mobility of wider impact on the capacity of EaP sending partners, - use of video meetings as extra communication mode of cost/time effective nature,- high standard internal QA procedures ensuring effective use of individual grants awarded; - well-thought Communication &Visibility Strategy.A new, strong asset of sustainability comes with this new edition of project and inclusion of 2 new EU partners, hence basing the EU part of consortium in Santander Group and enabling to introduce additional scholarships within ICON-Eastern Partnership mobility programme of SG,as a platform for long term bilateral cooperation of EMINENCE II partners and other EU member universities of SG, within and beyond the project duration.
